I had to get all dressed up, like I was getting married again.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
No lap dance for Mark :/
Posted by Mark Parker at 4:56 PM 8 comments
Sunday, November 14, 2010
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.....other than herpes those will follow you like a mother fucker
Before Stella and I left for Vegas, I had to make a visit at someones house. Jay's house. He thought I was there for something involving the band. Boy, he was wrong. I when I heard what he did to my sister, I felt the need to kick his ass. I couldn't beat him up badly, cause 1 I needed him to carry all the bands stuff, and I didn't want to get sued. But I did it enough that he was crying on the floor.
Then I left for Vegas. Perfect place for my honeymoon, eh? (Am I the only one who hears Vegas and thinks of the movie, The Hangover.) Anyways the plane ride seemed to take forever. Especially since I cant sleep in moving objects. I tried to do the math to find how long the plane ride was but math has always been my weakest subject. Stella said it was "like 6 hours" It felt more like 6 days.
We got one of those two rooms that really is one room thing..... I wanted Bre to come with. Yeah, ik she's pregnant but I dont want to leave her with that brumbly kid and my dad still outta jail. She stayed in that second room thing.
Anyways as a "new" married man, I thought, whats better then getting fucking wasted....in Vegas. nothing. I think I went over the usually alcohol I drink....a week. Stella was pretty good at gambling so she basically went straight to doing that. I was with her till I got bored of that. Then I went to the club part of the hotel. Bre was there showing off her stripper moves. I probably would of stopped her,but at the moment I didn't give a fuck. I asked for another beer from the bar there. Then girl came up to me, her dress was shorter and tighter then Snookie, but she had the body that she could wear that. She whispered in my ear "lets go to your room.".....if I was sober I would of said no, but in my state I just saw a hot blond chick that likes to have fun in bed.
Anyway I brought her in to my room and we had some fun ;) It wasn't till about 11:30 did I realise that I was married, cheating on my wife, and that she'd be up any minute. I told the hot blond that she had to get out. She didn't seemed to care too much, she threw on her dress and just left..... I got dressed, cleaned up a bit and went down stairs. I had to go down stairs and find Stella. My plan? Act like it never happened. I thought It was a good plan. I found her at one of those game slot machines. "Where have you been hun?" she said kissing me "you smell like stripper" she laughed. I laughed with her. "I dont feel well Im gonna go to bed." I told her and started towards the elevator. "Wait" she said "I'll come with you." She grabbed all the chips she won earlier gambling. As we where going up the elevator, she was telling me about what she did and how tomorrow she wants it to just be us two, but all I could think about was, maybe I should tell her after all.....oh and where's Bre?
Posted by Mark Parker at 4:01 PM 8 comments
Monday, September 6, 2010
As she trys to cover up every bruise
Posted by Mark Parker at 11:46 AM 8 comments
Monday, August 30, 2010
It's like SEX ON DRUGS

Posted by Mark Parker at 6:11 PM 5 comments
Sunday, August 29, 2010
10 things I love about Breanna
10. She's my sister. I have to love her.
9. She likes to be different.
8. She doesn't care what people think. Even if your trying to help her -.-
7. Her name is Breanna. Brianna, cause that one is just over used.
6. She's a stripper and enjoys it :P
5. She can teach her stripper moves to Stella :D
4. She's takes care of Bazzy so I dont have too.
3. She always comes to me when something happened and she needs help. (Im not 100% sure thats a good thing.)
2. She says whats on her mind. A.K.A She likes to bitch at people, and thats fun to watch.
2 1/2. She doesn't bitch at me
1. She loves me. Yeah , we fight. A LOT. When we do fight it only lasts a few minutes. she's part of my family, I can always count on her. I wouldn't trade her for anything.....well maybe a life suplies of alcohol. No, I changed mind I'd much rather have her. I love my little sister and I'd do anything for her.
Posted by Mark Parker at 5:48 PM 5 comments
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Maybe? Yes? Anything But No

Posted by Mark Parker at 4:26 PM 21 comments
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
18 Years From Yesterday..........

Posted by Mark Parker at 6:49 PM 8 comments
Friday, July 2, 2010
Moving Things. Not Fun.
"Mark honey," Stella said pulling me out of the front bush. "How much have you been drinking. It looks like you slept out here in your underwear." She was half laughing as she said this. I looked around, I was in my boxers with a bottle of beer in my hand and the front window was broken. It looked like I feel threw it. I wonder how that works. "What are you doing here?" I asked feel very out of it. "Its been a week and you haven't called me. I got worried, I guess." She said walking me threw the front door. "I dont want people seeing my hot boyfriend in his tighty whities." She laughed. "I missed you," I manged to say in my confused state. She began to give me a lecture on how I needed to drink less. Then she asked me why I was drinking so much. I didn't really know the answer. Maybe it was I missed Bre. Or I just hated being alone. A big house, by myself. Im kind of like a 5 year old, I always have to be with someone.I told her this and she some how understood. (One thing I love about Stella. She always gets what Im trying to stay. Even if im just mumbling.) "How about I move in with you." Stella said her eyes glistening with happyness. "Breanna would kill me if I let you move in with us." I said a little disappointed. "Bre? She doesn't live her anymore!" Stella said confused. "Oh right," I said reminding myself of the past week. "Sorry, I guess im so use to making desisions with Bre in mind. Lets move your stuff in." We spent the whole day moving her things into the house. I never relized how small are house was until we had to move her things in. Maybe she just had a lot of stuff.Stella got her own room for all her things. She isn't sleeping there though. She's sleeping with me in my room, duh. I was just to lazy to make room in my room for all her things.(Like there's enough room anyways) That took the whole day until we went to bed. Which then I was awaken from my slumber at 11 am from a phone call from my little sister. She said something about missing my nagging and blah blah. She said she was gonna move back in. I wasn't gonna tell her about Stella moving in so I just said "Sure, I'll help you move your shit back into the house." Stella left after breakfeast to get paint for her room. And Bre came with her thing shortly after Stel left. We got Bre's room all back to normal, when Bre noticed all of Stel's stuff in the room across from her's. "MARK!" She yelled "Don't tell me that slut is moving in with us." "Sorry kiddo." I said messing up her hair "Stella's at the store getting paint for her room. Bre then continued to say how I was making a mistake but I didn't seem to listen. I gave her a lecture on what would happen if she hurt Stella or her things. Stella was home about 5 mintues after the convo Breanna and I had.We painted Stella's room purple. And we were going to paint the ceiling with stars. But I had to pee first. Not peeing all day is bad for you bladder. When I was in there, I could hear yelling between Bre and Stella. Im not really sure who started it. But I had to end it. I quickly washed my hands and was out to where the 2 girls were calling each other nasty names. "Mark, I cant belive you let this slut move in with us!" Bre said pointing towards Stella.
"Me the slut? Im not the one working as a stripper!" Stella responding to Bre.
"Speaking of jobs, Bre you can quit that job since there's no more baby." I said
"Bre isn't having a baby anymore. Im sorry." Stella said
"Are you saying I look like preggo?" Bre said insulted.
I kissed Stella before anyone could say anything. "Oh sure Mark, fuck Stella.Even though she hates your sister." Bre said. I got Stella working on the ceiling and went to check on Bre. She was pretty pissed at me. After a long convo with bre I told her I'd make it up to her. Stella's room was finished by the time we were done, and It was amazing. All I could think about was Bre, So Stel, helpped me figure out a way to make it up to her.........(I'll post about it later)..........
Posted by Mark Parker at 1:52 PM 13 comments
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Posted by Mark Parker at 6:44 PM 7 comments
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday Night PARTY!

"Hey Blondie" I said sitting down next to her
Posted by Mark Parker at 6:24 PM 9 comments
Friday, June 11, 2010

Posted by Mark Parker at 8:06 PM 11 comments
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Stella My Star

Posted by Mark Parker at 4:06 PM 8 comments
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Please read!
I've been doing somethinking and I agree with Polo...I mean Johnny. Im joined the tag team. Along with Darry and Pony. We have decited we are not going on the chat. We WILL quit if it does not get removed. This is a BLOG not a chat. It's not the outsiders if the chat stays. I've made good friends with you guys, but if the chat doesn't leave, we will.
Mark (Marker) Parker
Posted by Mark Parker at 2:02 PM 10 comments
Thursday, May 6, 2010
My Sister's New Job

Posted by Mark Parker at 5:52 PM 4 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
Night At The Bar
Dani is the one in pink....I didn't feel like uploading a pic of just here. :P
Posted by Mark Parker at 6:46 PM 9 comments
Saturday, April 17, 2010
A little talk with Austin
Well if you read Bri's post you would know who Austin is. Well he made a move on Bri the other day, and I was not okay with that. Bri is my baby sister. If you mess with her, I'll mess you up. I told Bri that Darry, Dallas, and I where going to have a "talk" with Austin. She protested at first but I convinced her that we would be safe and there was nothing 2 worry about. We would just talk to him,but if he started something we are allowed to fight him. Then she wanted to come, and I just dont know what I'd do if she got hurt, so i said "No" We got there at 8pm not to late. Dallas went to talk to the rest of there gang, while Darry and I looked for Austin. He was in the back lighting a cigarette. "Who are you?" he said in a harsh voice. I knew he was just trying to look tuff, to a regular person he probably did, but not me. "Im Mark. Bri's brother." I said with little emotion. Darry introduced himself and said we needed to have a talk with him. Austin had us sit down on the couch, he sat infront of us on a bar stool. Darry did most of the talking from there. Just looking at the guy made me want to kill him, and Bri wouldn't talk to me ever again if I did so I just looked down at my shoelaces. Then I started counting the puke stains on the rug. I listen to every word that came out of Austins mouth. He said he didn't know Bri had a boyfriend, that she never told him. Which I knew was a lie. When Darry was done talking I said "I dont want you to touch her, you got that?" I said giving Austin the death stare.
"To bad we already had fun in my bed." Austin said smiling
"Shut up, unless you want me to make you." I said straightening up
"What are you going to do Mr.Pettite?"
After that I decited to show him what I'd do. I knocked him off the stool. When he hit the ground it got quite. Dallas and Austin's gang ran into the room, to see what happened. I jumped on Austin and started punching him like crazy. Austin is stronger then he looked and it seemed like we took turns punching each other. Before I knew it everyone was fighting in the room. The rug would now have more then just puke stains. I dont know when it ended. I know i beat the shit out of Austin. He was basically crying, he promised me he wouldn't bother Bri anymore. Darry drove us home after that, we got what we needed out of us. In the car Dallas was complaining about how his hand hurt. I guess you should be in a fight if your hand is shattered. Bri, I think we solved that problem.
Posted by Mark Parker at 2:49 PM 3 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
Hey Guys!
Hi! Im Mark Parker! My younger sister, Bri, convinced me to join the blogging world! haha! My cousins are Steve Randle and Carson Randle. Im 5'6 ,have blackish brown hair and blue eyes. I can be very protected over Bri, but most brothers are for there younger sisters. Im single, but hopefully I can change that soon! haha! I'll post something really up soon.
Posted by Mark Parker at 4:00 PM 8 comments