18 years ago from yesterday, a little girl was born. I remember this day because it was the day when I was no longer an only child, but an older brother. Haha I wanted the beginning of this to sound corny. :p haha As you all must know by now, I love birthday parties. Mainly because it gives me an excuse to get wasted. Turning 18 is a really big thing. I wanted to throw a huge party, in honor of this day. So when I heard Jannill was planning a party at the beach it would be the perfect place. We had the place all decorated before I knew it. That left 2 things cooking and find Breanna the best gift ever. The best gift would be getting All Time Low there, but that wasn't happening. Stella already got her a gift and said we could share it. but that wasn't gonna cut it. Then I thought about it for awhile......then I got it, I always promised her a........
Night came and it was time for me to pick up Bre for the surprise party, (Which im pretty sure wasn't a surprise) It was all dark when I brought her to the beach, and when she got close enough we turned on all the lights and yelled HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Then we ate, we sang, I drank a lot, and we danced. but before I got to drunk, I wanted to give bre her present. I kept it in a little white tent. Bre smiled so big when I brought it out. She went to her knees, and as that manager said in the book Because of Winn Dixie, (Or how every you spell that) It began to eat her face. "Remember how I always promised you a dog named Sebastian?" I asked Bre. she just knotted. "Well there he is." Bre quickly hugged my legs and went back to playing with her dog. Bre played with him until he fell asleep. Sebastian is gonna live with Stella and I....maybe then Bre will visit more.

That dog is so sweet :3 You shouldn't have drank so much though Parker. And i'll make Bre visit more. I'll shank her until she goes xD first comment!!!
Marker. I think Bre will be soo happy and will visit the dog. so you will be happy. But also. Marker, You shouldn't drink that much kiddo. Cause its bad for you're health. and we care about you marker, so dont go and kill yourself by alcohol poisoning.
Aweeh the dogs adorable, just like you ! (: your such a good big brother. And sorry that not alot of people commented , I promise I'll read all your posts from this day forward.
the dog was adorable and i was happy to see bre happy....
Dear Mark, Thank you for Baz. I LOVE him, he's so adorable. But..I think I'll wait till you arent home to see him ;) You're the best big brother ever, and you know I love you..you just disappoint me, which is why I just dont wanna be around you anymore. You drink too much, and everytime we TRY to have a conversation we both end up getting mad. I miss you like crazy though, and maybe one day we can work out our shit and be like we used to be..but not anytime soon. BUT, thanks again :D I love youuu! Love, Bre.
(P.S. I made this sorta kinda long so maybe you'd feel special :3)
I had a fun time at the party! The dogs cute and I think he liked me... Or he was mocking me... I'm not sure.....
hah darry....the party seemed fun marker :) im sorry i missed it :/ anyways the dog is SOOOO cute. :)
That dog is so cute <3
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