I had tonight planned out perfectly. I was taking Stella to Chalkboard Restaurant, the fanciest restaurant in Tulsa. It's also has a bar :) We had a table outside in this garden like place, it was actually pretty nice. Dont even ask about how expensive their food was. -.- Stella was in a beautiful dress, even I was dressed up. I couldn't believe I was actually nervous. I knew she felt the same way I did, and there was a small chance she'd say no, less then 1% but I wanted this to be perfect for her. By the time we finished eating I lost that nervousness. I was sure I was making the right move and tonight was going to happen even if it's not perfect. "Stella, I know today is are 3 month anniversary, but the first day I met you I knew I found the perfect girl. " I got down on one knee and pulled out a ring "Will you marry me Stella Marie Daniels?" She smiled and squealed with excitement. "Of course Mark. 150% yes." I slipped the ring on her finger
and kissed her.She looked so happy, and I I'm sure I did too. The ring was my grandmother's ring. When she died she gave it to my mom. The night Bre and I had to run away she gave it to me and said to pawn it. The thing is worth a lot more then my house, but I just couldn't do it. I wouldn't of needed to work full time if I did what my mom said, but it felt like I was selling my mom. "Oh Mark it's beautiful!" She look like she was about to start crying "I love you Stella. Your the prettiest girl I've ever seen." She looked me in the eyes and said "Mark I love you so much, you dont even know." Lets just end the story there, cause....you just dont want to know. We'll keep you updated on the wedding later.

Awwwwww!!! Congrats Parker :3 And the ring is so pretty. I'm happy for you two :)
I would be honnored to be ur best man. Congrats buddy! Looking forward to an awesome after party!
THATS CHA AWESOME MARKO! That ring is.... Soooo shineyyyy....Now what was I talking about? :P Oh yeah CONGRATS BUDDY.
Marker Mic Parker my boy, Im very happy for you. And i would love to see the wedding of a close friend of mine :D
Why didn't I get the ring? I think that's how its supposed to work..I'm supposed to get grandmas ring. -.- Whatever like it even fucking matters now. Blah Blah Blah, I'm not going to congratulate you, because I think its way too soon, and I think you're making the wrong decision. But I cant stop you.
awesome, im tired of being the only one thats married =p
AHHH YES, YES, YES! this is going to be amazing. I'M PLANNING I SO CALL IT.
CONGRATS BRUTHA!!1HAHA IM SOOOOO HAPPY FOR U AND STELLS.. I CALL BRIDESMAID.. i hope u and stella a great life and wat a support soda
Congrats Mark. I'm happy you found someone as wonderful as Stella. But yes, like Bre said. It's a little soon, maybe you shouldn't get married like right away. But I can't stop you. Do whatever makes you happy (:
congratulations man :p, im glad your happy
Congrats cuz, at least you can find the right girl ;p
markie you made me the happiest girl that night.
We could have a double wedding, Parker. just kidding :p
haha, no thanks Two-Bit :P
you and stella are really sweeet together and the ring is beautiful im proud of ya marker :)
Thats awesome man. congrats
Congrats Mark! You And Stella R A Cute Couple.
I guess I'm happy for you big brother. (: I hope you and Stella have a nice life together. I cant wait to have a wonderful sister-in-law like her :D <33
im sooo happy for you markie!!! congrats!!!!
Hey Mark. I just started posting last month so im kinda new but I just wanted to let you know u can check out my blog if u want. Just click on my name and it should come up. Congrats by the way. I hope u two are happy.
Great share, thanks for your time
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