Darry and I were working on the other side of town lately. Last week Tuesday I think we worked at a big house, where one person lived. Damn, It was hot outside that day and I was even wearing my tight muscle shirt. The girl who owned the house was very nice for a socs. She was A little younger then me. She had blonde hair and wore a short dress. After work Darry and I stopped to talk to her. I found out her name was Stella Daniels. I guess her great great grampa (or something of that sort) made the whiskey. Darry and I also remember her being in are school. We didn't talk then because you know Socs v.s. Greasers, but she was a cheerleader it's hard not to notice her. Long story short Darry and her have become good friends.... and well me and her are, dating. Yes Mark is no longer single. Im hoping we can all meet her this weekend. Everyone but Soda since he's on his honeymoon. He can met her later. Breanna met her but she never told me if she liked her to much. Then again I haven't been home too long. She's always out with Dallas and im always out with Stella. I bet she enjoys not being yelled at.

Last night we hung out at my house. We sat in the back yard and looked at all the stars. I never relized how pretty the stars are when all the lights are out. Stella told me her name ment star. I told her, "Your name fits you perfectly. Your as pretty as a star." She smiled and kissed me. I think I should buy her a star.
AWW! yay for mark i wanna meet her she seems sweet
Awe that's sweet, she seems like a nice girl :] I want to meet her >_<
I'm so happy for you Markie! Good for you. Stella means star of the sea in Latin.
I told you that you wouldnt be single forever! I'm always right :D
im sooo happy marker.. cant wait to meet her
i thot kitty was always right? and im happy for you markie parkie!!!! she seems nice i wanna meet her too!
Mark -.-
Marker. Im happy for my awesome brudda. And ai would like to meet her. Whenever ai get back from Florida ai would like to meet her. :D
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